Economic Component
To report on the expenditure of the project.
To measure the feasibility of replicating or expanding the project.
To present results for best practice and influence on policies.
Project costing
Bournemouth University will perform a comparative analysis of project expenditure and contributions for the group that received both the biophysical and empowerment/adaptive capacity interventions; the group that only received the biophysical intervention; and the control group. Expenditure according to project reports will be collected. All resources used for study activities will be recorded during site visits. These data will be analysed and presented in a specifically constructed cost model.
Cost Consequences Analysis
Cost consequences analysis (CCA) is a form of economic evaluation in which the outcomes are reported separately from costs. Cost-consequence analysis presents the costs and consequences of numerous interventions. Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected from project reports to analyse project costs and outcomes.
Option Appraisal
Option appraisal will consider the different strategy options for scaling up vector control efforts in the future. Option appraisal allows complex issues underlying a specific decision problem to be set out in a structured way to inform and enable group decision-making. Researchers will ask: What is best option for scaling up a future vector control strategy? The quantitative and qualitative data used for option appraisal will be collected from project reports.